Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Human vrs Nature

Human vrs Nature has a lot to deal with homosexuality.It is still not knpown if we are born that way or if we create it ass the years go speacialoty people in this colum are trying to figure it out. Many people have wonder the question so they have been doing a lot of expiremnts to see what the result and answer is. People want to know if we are born gay or straight or if we develop it by our own. In class we saw a video and by seeing it i did a lot of thinking and in my opinion that people develop it by who they are they wont become gay from a week to another it nedds to be develop by someway or something its not something that occurs because of bothing. I watched this case about two twins one was gay and the other was striaght twins have the samme gene and everthing so they exam them to see why one liked girl stuff and the other one boy things and its because just the way they are bceuase there mom said they were traeted the same way. Since they were littlee still they didnt no who they would become when they grwo up if gay or staright but the possibilieties is thata the twin that likes girl stuff has a high possibiliyy of being gay. As he grwos up he may have a hard time with the bullies on what they call them and how to interact with men but if they pass over thst they should be great in controlling it.But we only speack about gay gay gay and more gay but dont forget that theres also lesbiand¡s and bisexuals in these world a little girl can also turn out to be a lesbian by actring like a men or as we say a tomboy becuase we can see by the behavior of each one. If your gay or lesbian or straight or bi you should be traeted like all human being because all the people shoukld have the right to choose what they want to be everything is for a reason and everyone makes their own choices so dont descriminate other by not being as you are everyone id¡s diffrent in someway. So dont do to others what you dont like to be done to you.

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