Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gifted Children

I’ve been wondering why not all of us are genius only some have that power that when they re born they have the powerful gift to be a genius! We saw a video on in class about this boy called mark he is an example of some people that are gifted because their brain is stimulated in a early age. He is a very intelligent boy that his brain had the capacity that he knows 40 different class and he is not even in high school or nothing like that he is a little kid. Mark has the chance to play beside his favorite music teacher. If Mark keeps practicing what he likes the brain will become so powerful that he could be another Mozart or something like that because imagine what he could do in early age what would happen when he is old WOW… But as I always say in every good thing there’s a bad thing and this bad because the brain may be controlled more in one part than in the other so he brain will work more in the part of listening and that stuff and the other will work but they will be there like if they don’t exist. Gifted children are impressive but it doesn’t mean they are perfect.

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