The teenager’s brain reacts differently from the rest of the brains. The teenage brain is constantly changing. If we don’t sleep well we will have a lack of changes in our body. Being a teenager is one of the most difficult stages in life there is, we are always having trouble with something, something that most teenagers tend to have is that they don’t sleep well for some reason and then when they go to school they don’t get the information they have to get because they didn’t sleep well that day before. The teenager frontal lobe which is one of the parts of the brain that controls our emotions, when you are a teenager is not fully developed so teenagers have different emotions every day. One of the most important things a teenager has to have is a good lack of sleep because depending on the amount of sleep they receive, they will function better. Teenagers should get enough sleep during the night because that will depend on the day you can fail a test because of not having a good night sleep one of the most important things in the day is to sleep well.